Founded in 2012, REAch2 Academy Trust is the largest primary-only Multi-Academy Trust in the country. REAch2 is made up of 60 schools and a central team, all of whom share our mission to provide the best possible education for our children. This is wider than a focus on how children perform at key assessment points; we want our pupils to enjoy a rich, rewarding curriculum that focuses on them as individuals, supports them to develop their character and become well-rounded young people who go on to live fulfilled lives.

This is best exemplified through our innovative commitment of 11 before 11: a range of activities designed to inspire and stretch REAch2 children, including camping in a field or a forest; visiting a foreign country; climbing a mountain; learning to play a musical instrument, and performing in a major concert. These can prove to be transformative experiences, as pupils learn more about themselves, their interests, and how they can interact with the world around them.