Our uniform, worn by all the children, is a distinctive feature of The Limes Primary Academy. We place an emphasis on maintaining high standards of dress and appearance because we believe it encourages the children to take pride in themselves and their Academy. We, therefore, ask parents to ensure that their children always wear the correct uniform and that it is clearly labelled. Children also need to wear the appropriate kit during PE lessons.
The Limes uniform is now available to order from our uniform supplier, Screens. To take a look at the full range and for more details of how to order the uniform, please click here.
To view our Dress Code, please click here.
When the weather is below 10 degrees, all children will be asked to wear a coat outside. Please ensure that on these colder days, children attend school with a warm coat.
Winter Uniform
- Black sweatshirt or cardigan
- Purple polo shirt
- Grey bottoms – trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
- Grey or black socks/tights
- Black sensible shoes (no raised heels, platforms, boots or trainers)
- Outdoor coat
- Wellington boots for outside play
- Book bag
Summer Uniform
In the summer weather, grey tailored shorts and purple-checked summer dresses also form part of the uniform. PE Kit
- Purple T-Shirt
- Black shorts
- Plimsolls or trainers
Uniform Policy
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