We opened the Limes Primary Academy in September 2018 with just a nursery and a reception year group; each year as those children progress through the school, we will add a new year group until we have all primary year groups from reception to year 6. For the current 2023/24 academic year, in addition to the nursery, we have year groups from reception to year 5 only. In future years we will have:
The academic year 2024/25 – reception to year 6 (all primary year groups)
Admissions Policy
REAch2 Academy Trust determines The Limes Primary Academy’s admission arrangements in agreement with the Department of Education and the Oulton, Lowestoft’s Admission Authority (Suffolk Local Authority).

For more details on how to apply for a place at The Limes, please click here. For children starting in Nursery and Reception, please see our Transition page for more information on how we welcome new children into school.
Admissions into Reception 2023/24
To apply for a reception place starting in September 2024, please visit Suffolk County Council’s coordinated admissions website.
In-Year Admissions
To apply for school place mid-year, please contact the school office on 01502 449200.