At Limes Primary Academy we ensure that we follow the statutory government document called SEND Code of Practice 2015.
As part of the SEND Code of Practice we follow an Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle, a minimum of three times a year.
- Assess- Teachers, SENCO and/or support staff assess each child to identify where they are in their learning. The type of assessments that take place depend on the individual child and their needs.
- Planning – Targets are then identified through assessments, as well as professional and parent knowledge of the pupil’s needs. Pupil voice is also captured. These targets are written down in a learning plan. During the learning plan review meetings parents discuss their child’s learning and targets with their class teacher. If a child is supported by an outside agency we also follow their advice when planning provision for pupils.
- Do – We implement the provision as agreed.
- Review -Assessments, observations and teacher assessments take place throughout the term. The learning plan is annotated and altered if needed. During the next learning plan review meeting, we discuss the progress that has taken place and celebrate successes that have happened. If we are concerned regarding a pupils progress or needs outside agency support is sought following a graduated approach.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Alice Southernwood
SENCO Meetings – You can book an appointment to discuss your child with the SENCO at the office.
The SEND Information Report provides you with information regarding the support in school for pupils with Special Educational Needs.
At Limes Primary Academy we follow a graduated approach. If you have concerns regarding your child then the best thing to do is make an appointment to speak to your child’s class teacher. Following this appointment, an agreed best course of action will take place. Alternatively, you can book a SENCO Surgery appointment at the office and speak to the SENCO.
You can find more information on the local SEND offer website, click here to access.
Useful Links
- SENDIASS - provide informative support, information and advice for parents
- Suffolk Family Carer Network
- Activities Unlimited - Provides short breaks and leisure activities to disabled children 0-25 years old
- Speech and Language Support
- Autism Support
- ADHD Support
- Dyslexia Support
Additional information:
SEND Policy
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