At The Limes Primary Academy, our Geography curriculum aims to instil a curiosity for the world and the people who live there and develop in all our children the characteristics and attributes of a geographer. They will have an excellent knowledge of where terrestrial and marine places are and of their physical and human characteristics, both in the UK and the wider world.
They will learn that geographical locations and places are interdependent and interconnected and understand the processes that shaped and changed their features over time. They will accumulate the fieldwork skills of collecting and analysing data using a variety of sources such as globes, maps, aerial photographs and digital mapping. Over time, they will develop a fluency in complex, geographical enquiry skills such as questioning, explaining and effectively presenting their findings and conclusions
Geography Progression MapGeography Vocabulary
Please click here to download our Progression Map
Please click here to download our Vocabulary Document
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Long Term Plan
Vocabulary Progression
Progress Map