Children in KS2 are taught French through the programme Rigolo (Nelson Thornes).
Year 3 – Rigolo 1 Units 1-6
This includes learning about:
- greetings
- numbers and months
- classroom objects and instructions
- colours
- pets
- family
- parts of the body
Year 5 – Rigolo 2 Units 1-6
This includes learning about:
- brothers and sisters
- school subjects
- opinions
- food
- places in town and directions
- holidays and activities
- describing rooms in the house
Year 4 – Rigolo 1 Units 7-12
This includes learning about:
- nationalities
- time and leisure,
- describing people
- clothes
- festivals and France
- weather
- food and shopping
Year 6 – Rigolo 2 Units 7-12
This includes learning about:
- weekend activities
- clothes
- prices
- daily routing
- transport
- sport
Languages – Intent, Implementation and Impact
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Art – Intent, Implementation and Impact
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Maths – Policy
Maths – Long Term Plan
Long Term Plan
Maths – Vocabulary Progression
Vocabulary Progression
Maths – Progression Map
Progress Map