Please click here to download our Progression document
Please click here to see 'Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child's primary school: A guide for parents.
Mental health and Wellbeing
What is Mental health?
World Health Organisation 2023:
“Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. It is an integral component of health and well-being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world we live in. Mental health is a basic human right. And it is crucial to personal, community and socio-economic development.”
Positive mental health is key for success and growth. It involves feeling in control, being able to cope with challenges and stresses and having optimism.
At The Limes Primary academy we are passionate about making a difference, supporting pupils, their families, and the wider school community.
We are committed to making a difference, ensuring that we ’grow learners for life’, equipping our young people with the skills they need to be successful throughout their lives. This reflects the school’s learning powers and core values. In summary, as a school community we are responsible, reflective, and resilient.
We pride ourselves on working closely with our families, supporting pupils whilst they are in school and working alongside external agencies to ensure this is extended beyond school and within the home setting.
Our pastoral and Thrive team work effectively to support pupils in need within our setting. Children are assessed at the start of each academic year, where need is identified children receive 1:1 and group Thrive sessions with our licensed Thrive practitioner. All classes also deliver half termly thrive approach sessions– giving all pupils the opportunity to develop their awareness of their emotional wellbeing.
Find out more about the Thrive approach here
Our Curriculum
At The Limes Primary academy pupils are taught about the concept of mental wellbeing and how to take care of themselves and receive support if mental health issues arise. They will understand the key building blocks of respectful relationships that focus on family and friends in all contexts, including online. They will be skilled in managing their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way and know how to manage their personal safety by assessing and handling risk. They will be prepared to make the most of life and work and live in the wider world.
In addition to our PSHE curriculum we also explore whole school safeguarding themes.
Children use Zones of Regulation to check-in with their adults throughout the school day. We use consistent language to describe feelings and children are given opportunities to talk about how they feel with a trusted adult when needed.
All classes have daily opportunities to practice mindfulness in school. This is a chance for pupils to reset and ensure they are ready to learn and engage in the classroom safely and calmly. Below is an example of 'Mindfulness Breathing' that is shared with pupils in school.
Please find links below that you could use for Mindful moments at home:
How can you help at home?
Please see a number of useful links below:
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Long Term Plan
Progress Map
Subject Maps